Brayden Shayne’s DIRTY PICTURES Volume 3


16 Cards | 5.5″x3.5″ | full colour

SKU: brayden-shaynes-dirty-pictures-volume-3 Category:


Welcome to Brayden Shayne’s DIRTY PICTURES.

In Volume 3, they continue their Salute To Men We Love by featuring George Takei on the cover. Brayden Shayne is a queer artists’ collective based in North America. DIRTY PICTURES is a collection of original art and photography, collaged images, and found images that are sometimes manipulated. Pictures are paired with phrases, which Wikipedia says are groups of words that form a constituent and so function as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. Their goal is for each issue to be a bevy of faggotry with a dash of beautiful things tossed about.

Details: 16 Cards | 5.5″x3.5″ | full colour


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